Sunday, August 10, 2008

PAUL FINDLEY They Dare to Speak Out 20

Abdelkarim, Riad, x, 363-64
Abdullah, Crown Prince, 371
Abdul-Rahman, Hassan, 213
Abourzek, James, 33, 38, 96-99, 346
and AIPAC, 97; and American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 99; and Israel-Arab negotiations; Jefferson-Jackson Day speech, 98-99; meeting with al-Hout, 98; National Press Club speech, 97; Rochester University speech; and Senate Judiciary Committee, 97-98; and U.S. aid to Jordan, 164
Abram, Morris, 130
Abramo, Vincent James, 281, 282-83
Abshire, David, 236, 238, 242
Abu-Lugod, Deena, 212-13
Adelman, Lynn, 46
Adenauer, Konrad, 291-92
Agnew, Spiro, 42-43
Ahmad, Eqbal, 218-20
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 27-50
"Action Alert," 38; and Agnew campaign, 42-43; and anti-Semitism on college campuses, 212; and AWACS sale, 47, 48, 49, 50, 99, 103-4; Campaign to Discredit Israel, 37, 263, 326-27, 328; and Christians, 36; college campus programs, 60, 209-15; and F-15 sale, 101-3, 107; influence on Congress, 31-32, 37, 38-42, 47-50, 53, 73-75, 76, 100-101, 107-8, 309, 351-52; influence on U.S. policy, 27-28; and lobbying, 55, 350; and lobbying
for Zaire, 43; and McCloskey, 28, 55, 107-8; and PACs, 44-47; and Percy campaign, 112; and political endorsement, 44; publications, 37; and "Spirit of 76" letter, 100-1, 107; staff development, 39; support of Reagan, 138; and tours of Israel, 37; and USS Liberty, 188
Akins, James, 38, 235
Al-Arian, Sami, 244-46
Ali, Salim Rubyai, 3, 8-10, 11-12
Allen, James, 98
Allen, Richard, 170
Al-Mazrui, Ghanim, 66
Al-Najjar, Mazen, 246
Altman, Richard, 45
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, 99, 346-47
American Indian Law Students Association, 212
American Muslim Alliance, 346
Americans in Israel PAC, 45
American Zionist Council, 93
Amitay, Morris, 44, 45, 65, 78, 100, 102, 112
Ammerman, Harvey, 268
Anderson, Jack, 161, 164
Anderson, John, 131-32
Anderson, Wendell, 102
Angell, Charles, 261
Angus, Jacob, 109
Anti-Americanism, 360-62
Anti-Semitism, accusations of 132, 133, 261, 271, 274, 288, 345, 357-58, 369 against American Friends Service Committee, 286; against Bush, George H.
5 Index
W, 145; on college campuses, 212; against Ennes, 202; against Fulbright, 92; against Geyer, 325; against Jackson, J., 143-44; against journalists, 305, 322, 345-46; against LaGrange conferences, 276; against McCloskey, 56-57, 58; against National Council of Churches, 263; against Sayre, 269
Anthony, John Duke, 329-30
Arab American Institute, 347
Arab Americans
in Detroit, Michigan, 316; discrimination against, 313—16; stereotypes of, 321-22
Arafat, Yasser
and attacks on Israel, 360; and Barak proposal, 308; and Bush, 367; and Carter, 16-17; meeting with Dymally, 71-72; meeting with Fauntroy, 63; meeting with Findley, 13-16; and House resolution condemning Palestine, 78; meeting with Jackson, J., 142-43; meeting with Lowery, 63; and Paris Declaration, 31; and Percy, 110; and Redgrave, 319
Arens, Moshe, 168, 202, 289, 342-43
Armey, Richard, 79
Armitage, Richard, 171
Arms Export Control Act, 354-55
Armstrong, James, 260
Armstrong, Willis, 220, 221, 225
Artzieli, Mordecai, 339
Asali, Naila, 346
Asali, Ziad, 346
Ashtal, Abdallah, 3, 12, 13
Ashrawi, Hanan, 365
Askew, Reuben, 141
Aspin, Les, 206
Assad, Hafez, 4-5
Atherton, Alfred Jr., 3
Au, Jeffrey, 60
Avnery, Uri, 357
AWACS sale to Saudi Arabia, 47-48, 49, 50, 66-67, 72, 73, 99, 103-4, 106, 111, 165-67, 235, 236, 237, 238, 241
Awad, Nihad, xii
Ayoub, Nairn, 314
Azzi, Robert, 333, 334
Babcock, Charles, 185
Backus, Paul, 201
Baker, Howard, 104, 106
Baker, James, 145
Bakker, Jim, 253
Ball, George, 38
and AIPAC, 38; and Anderson campaign, 131-32; and Camp David Accords, 130; charges of anti-Semitism against, 132; and
criticism of Israeli national policy, 128-29;
and criticism of Reagan administration,
131; and Foreign Affairs articles, 129, 130;
Secretary of State nomination, 127-30; and
Stevenson campaign, 131, 132 Banford, James
Body of Secrets, 205 Barak, Ehud, 36, 308 Bartlett, Charles, 117-18 Batal, James, 329 Battle, Lucius, 142 Baum, Phil, 334 Beegle, Dewey, 257-58 Begin, Menachem
and AWACS sale, 104; and Berkeley
Graduate, 214; criticized by Goldmann;
and Deir Yassin massacre, 323; and
Falwell, 251, 253, 255; and invasion of
Palestinian territories, x; and Klutznick,
297-98, 299, 303; and Sabra and Shatila
refugee camps, x Ben-Gurion, David, 110, 292, 296, 297 Bennett, Charles, 205-6 Berenbaum, Michael, 341 Bereuter, Douglas, 39 Berger, Elmer, 306-7 Bergus, Don, 29, 158, 161 Berkeley Graduate, 214-15 Berliner, Moshe, 259 Berman, Wayne, 236 Beyt Tikkun, 307-8 Bijlefeld, Willem, 217-18 Bingaman, Jeffrey, 48 bin Laden, Osama, 361—62, 367-68 Bird, Gene, 364 Bird, Jerri, 364-66 Black Americans in Support of Israel
Committee, 71 Blitzer, Wolf, 31,49, 97, 184 Bloomfield, Douglas, 24, 56 Blount, Winton, 137 Blum, Yehuda, 62 Blumberg, Arnold, 108 Bonior, David, 66, 72, 77-78, 79, 246 Bookbinder, Hyman, 341 Borne, John
The USS Liberty: Dissenting History vs.
Official History, 204 Boschwitz, Rudy, 49, 88, 113, 325 Boston, Ward, 207 Boston Symphony Orchestra
and Vanessa Redgrave, 320-21 Boyle, Francis, 246-47 Bradlee, Benjamin Jr., 341 Branigan, William, 341
Index 5
Breira, 284-85 Brickner, Balfour, 283-84 Briggs, Peggy, 264-65 Britt, C. Robin, 75
Broderick, Richard, 321-22, 324-25, 340
Brody, David, 98
Bronfman, Edgar, 318-19
Broomfield, William, 27
Brown, Dean, 168
Brown, Harold, 151, 154, 169
Bryen, Shoshona, 172
Bryen, Stephen, 171-73
Bruzonsky, Mark, 286, 288, 300
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
and Ball, 129; and CIA aid to Jordan, 164; and military sales to Israel, 151-52
B'Tselem, 366-67
Bucher, Lloyd, 196, 202
Buchwald, Art, 227
Bullock, Ray, 61
Bumpers, Dale, 94-95
Burns, Arthur, 17
Bush, George H. W
accusations of anti-Semitism against, 145; and anti-Semitism, 36; and economic sanctions against Israel, 354; and Findley campaign, 23; and Israeli settlements, 144-45; presidential campaign, 144, 145
Bush, George W, 36, 258, 351
and Abdullah peace plan, 371; and aid to Israel, 146; and anti-Semitism, 36; and Arms Export Control Act, 355; and Carter, 354; and Israeli invasion of Palestinian territories, x, 372-73; and Middle East policy, 351-52, 353-54, 366-67, 372-74; and Palestinian statehood, 366; presidential campaign, 146, 358-59; and September 11, 361; and Sharon, xii; and war on terrorism, viii-ix, 352-53
Bush, Jeb, 245
Byrd, Robert, xii, 115, 351
Campbell, Dwight, 249-50
Campbell, Tom, 115
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA), 204-5, 340
Campbell, Thomas, 78
Camp David Accords, 130, 133, 134, 297-98, 299
Capps, Lois, 79
Carpenter, Jeffery, 199
Carter, Jimmy, 10, 372
and AIM 9-L sale, 154; and Arafat, 16-17; and AWACS sale, 167; and Camp David Accords, 130, 133, 134, 297-98; and economic sanctions against Israel, 354; and
F-15 sale, 101; and Israeli lobby, 293; meeting with Findley, 12; and McHenry vote, 139-40; and Middle East policy, 132-33; and presidential election, 139-40; and Secretary of State nomination, 127-30
Cary, Stephen, 221, 222, 225
Cathell, Ron, 344
Celler, Emanuel, 122
censorship, 362-63, 367-69
Center for Contemporary Arab Studies, 226,
229, 230, 232
Center for Strategic and International Studies,
230, 234-35 Chapell, Bill Jr., 176 Cheney, Richard, 126 Chomsky, Noam, 214, 287, 358 Church, Frank, 48, 69, 91, 238 Christison, Kathleen, 345 Clark, William, 32, 236, 238 Clarke, David, 269
Clifford, Clark, 121 Clinton, Bill, 71
and AIPAC, 71; and Palestinian statehood,
366; and Pollard clemency, 184 Coalition for the Re-election of Jim Thompson,
88, 89
Cockburn, Alexander, 331, 340
Cohan, Peter, 224
Cohen, George, 234
Cohen, Richard, 287-88
Cohen, Sam, 290
Cohen, Ted, 317
Cohen, William, 31, 100, 103-5
Collins, Patsy, 339-40
Committee on Christian-Jewish Relations, 262
Connally, John, 134-37
Conte, Silvio, 74, 75
Continuing Resolution of 1983, 73-74
Cooper, Jim, 75
Copeland, Kenneth, 253
Corcoran, Tom, 112
Cordesman, Anthony, 236, 322
Council for National Interest, 364
Cranston, Alan, 141
Crist, Betty, 98
Cristol, A. Jay, 207
Cross, James, 198
Crossley, George, 176
Culver, John, 101
Currieo, James, 202-3
Curtiss, Richard, 330
D'Andrea, Tom, 225-26
Danforth, John, 47
D'Anna, John, 215-17
Danzansky, Joseph, 62
5 Index
Dashle, Tom, 36
David, James, 362-63
Davis, Artur, 79
Davitt, John, 178
Day, Tony, 56
Dayan, Moshe, 200
Dead in the Water, 204
DeFazio, Peter, xi, 79
de Gaulle, Charles, 371
Degiere, Greg, 265
Deir Yassin massacre, 315, 323
DeLay, Tom, 36, 78-79, 115, 280
Dershowitz, Alan, 182, 321
DeYoung, Karen, 341
DiGeneva, Joseph, 180
Dine, Thomas
and AIPAC influence, 48, 49-50; and AWACS sale, 103-4; and Findley campaign, 23; and Percy campaign, 112, 114; and Reagan, 29, 30-31, 258; and Stevenson campaign, 48, 90; and U.S. foreign policy, 33-34, 34-35
Dingell, John, 78
Dinitz, Simcha, 288
Dole, Robert, 23, 334
Dornan, Robert, 58
Douglas, Paul, 110
Ducrocq, Deborah, 311
Dulles, John Foster, 123
Durbin, Richard, 22, 73, 75
Durenberger, David, 48
Dutton, Frederick, 101, 104
Dymally, Mervyn, 71-73
Eagleburger, Lawrence, 34
Eban, Abba, 342
Eckstein, Yechiel, 276
Edelsberg, Herman, 55
Edgar, Robert, 264
Eichen, Gary, 328
Eisenhower, Dwight, 55, 96
and cancellation of Israeli aid, 121-22; and Israeli invasion of Gaza Strip, 122-23; and Israeli statehood, 121-23; and military sales to Israel, 158; and Sinai War, 95-96, 107, 123
Eisenhower Doctrine, 296
Eitan, Rafael, 179, 181
El-Barbarawi, Abdel-Hamid, 316-18
Ellis, Kail, 232-34
Elson, Edward, 268
Emerson, Steven, 238-39, 240, 245
Emery, David, 47
Engen, Donald, 190, 199
Englehard, Robert, 322
Ennes, James Jr.
accusations of Anti-Semitism against, 202; and AIPAC, 200-1; Assault on the Liberty, 188, 193-94, 202, 203; and attack on USS Liberty, 187, 188, 192, 200, 201, 202; and interview with Taliaferro, 201; and Journal of Electronic Defense, 201; and Kennedy, E., 198
Ehrlich, Simcha, 294
Epstein, Stella, 72
Erb, Irit, 179
Eshkol, Levi, 190
Evans, Mike, 65, 252-53
Evans, Rowland, 43, 322
Evron, Ephraim, 65, 119
Ezzard, Martha, xi
Faddoul, George, 315-16
Fahd, Crown Prince, 10-11
Falwell, Jerry, 251-52, 253, 255, 259-60
Farrakhan, Louis, 144
Fascell, Dante, 47
Fauntroy, Walter, 61, 62-64
Feeley, Helen, 265
Feighan, Edward, 75
Feinberg, Abraham, 118, 119, 124
Feinstein, Dianne, 78, 115
Feldman, Myer, 118, 119-20
Fenelon, Fania, 320
Feuerlicht, Roberta Strauss, 258, 286
Findley, Paul, 70
criticism of Israel, 70; meeting with Ali, 8-10; meeting with Arafat, 13-15; meeting with Assad, 4-5; meeting with Carter, 12; senatorial campaign, 17-20, 22-23
Fishbein, Charles, 290, 303
Fisher, Milton, 84, 89
Fisk, Robert, 344-46, 347
Fleischer, Ari, 366
Fogel, Benjamin, 311
Ford, Gerald, 10, 22, 100-1
Ford, Jerry, 95-96
Ford Administration and Israeli aid, 126
Ford Foundation, 65
Forrest, A. C, 270
Foxman, Abraham, 279
Frank, Isaac, 268
Franklin, Ed, 2, 6-7, 8, 9-10
Frazen, Lester, 265
Friedman, Shirley, 87
Friedman, Thomas, 340
Friend, Theodore, 22, 223, 224
Friendly, Alfred, 342
Frolich, Newton, 45
Index 5
Fulbright, J. William, 91-96
accusations of Anti-Semitism against, 92; criticism of Israel, 135; and Johnson, L. B., 92; and investigations of contributions to Israel, 92-93; meeting with Ford, G., 95-96; scholarships, 92; Senatorial campaign, 94-95; and USS Liberty, 192
Gage, Debbie, 328
Gal, Yossi, 185
Gale, Michael, 31
Genshaft, Judy, 244, 245
George, Mike, 344
Gerson, Joseph, 265-66
Gersten, Chris, 36
Geyer, Georgie Anne, 325-26
Ghareeb, Edmund, 321
Ghorbal, Ashraf, 294
Gibson, Robert, 342
Gilbert, John, 221
Gilman, Ben, 24
Glenn, John, 104, 132, 141
Goland, Michael, 113, 114
Goldberg, Arthur, 124, 212
Goldberg, Howard, 59
Golden, George, 193
Goldenberg, Suzanne, 346
Goldman, Peter, 340
Goldmann, Nahum, 291-94, 295, 296, 300-2
Goldstein, Israel, 121
Goldwater, Barry Jr., 58
Gomez, Joseph, 140-41
Goode, W.Wilson, 314
Gore, Al, 146
Grant, Ward, 20
Green, Mark, 79
Green, Stephen, 318-19
Greenberg, Paul, 56
Greene, Joseph Jr., 299
Greenfield, Meg, 143, 342
Grossman, Lawrence, 340-41
Grossman, Marc, 366
Grossman, Steve, 44
Grosvenor, Gilbert, 334-35
Gur, Mordecai, 173
Gurion, David Ben, 110
Haas, Amira, 345
Habash, George, 110
Haberman, Joshua, 268
Habib, Philip, 289
Haddad, Saad, 253, 254
Hall, John, 41
Hal Rosenthal Program, 37
Halsell, Grace, 329
Hamas, 364, 371
Hameed, Mazher, 235-44
Hamilton, Dwight, 250
Hamilton, Lee, 42, 69, 70, 77
Hanania, Ray, 347
Harsch, Joseph, 135-36
Hart, Gary, 36, 119, 139, 141, 315
Harvard Jewish Law Students Association,
212-13 Hassan, Abu, 14 Hassan, Crown Prince, 81-82 Hastorf, Albert, 60 Hatfield, Mark, 32, 86 Hathaway, William, 99-100, 102
and AIPAC, 102-3; and F-15 sale, 102 Hauser, Rita, 136 Hayakawa, S. I., 57
Healy, Timothy, 228, 229, 230, 231-32
Hecht, Chic, 48
Hellman, Judy, 279
Hellman, Yehuda, 65
Helms, Richard, 150, 207
Hempstone, Smith, 191
Hentoff, Nat, 49, 289-90, 321
Hersh, Seymour, 200
Hickenlooper, Bourke, 93
Hilliard, Earl, 79
Hoffman, Jacob, 156
Hollings, Ernest, xiv, 141, 351
Hope, Bob, 20-21
Hopp, Deb, 324
Houghton, Amory, 79
Howard, William, 261
Howe, Irving, 285
Huddleston, Walter, 50
Hudson, Michael, 227, 229-30
Humphrey, Hubert, 92
Hurford, Lee, 127
Hussein, King
and CIA financial aid, 163-64; criticism of AIPAC, 34, 50; and military aid to Jordan, 169; and Reagan Administration, 138-39; criticism of U.S., 34, 50
Ikle, Fred, 171
Inslee, Jay, 79
Institute for Contemporary Arab and Islamic
Studies, 232-34 International Christian Embassy, 259 Israel
air strike on PLO headquarters in Tunis, 182; attack on USS Liberty, 125, 187-94; invasion of Gaza (Egypt), 122-23, 125, 296-97, 357, 369, 372; invasion of Jenin, xi, xii; invasion of Lebanon, 176, 202, 260, 300-1, 339-40, 354; invasion of Palestinian
5 Index
territories, xi, xii, xiii, 353-54; invasion of Syria, ix, 4, 193, 272, 371, 372; prisons in, 365-66; and Sinai War, 95-96, 107, 123, 188; U.S. military sales to, 149-55, 173-74; Yom Kippur War, 149
"Israeli Preliminary Inquiry 1/67," 194
Jacobson, Ed, 119
Jackson, Jesse
accusations of anti-Semitism against, and anti-Semitism, 36; 143-44; and House resolution condemning Palestine, 79; meeting with Arafat, 142-43; and Middle East policy, 141; and presidential campaign, 142-44; and Young resignation, 62
Jagt, Guy Vander, 22
Jahshan, Khalil, 347
Jakab, Elisabeth, 338
Janka, Les, 150-51, 163, 177, 244
Jasculca, Rick, 84, 89, 90
Javits, Jacob, 69, 113
Jenin massacre, ix-xi, 354
Jepson, Roger, 50, 251
Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, 172
Jewish Telegraph Agency, 92 Joftes, Saul, 332-33 Johnson, James, 52 Johnson, Lyndon Baines, 92, 358
and Krim, 119; and sanctions on Israel,
122; and support of Israel, 124-25, 358;
and USS Liberty, 188, 190, 199-200, 203,
204; and Vietnam War, 92 Jordan, Amos, 235, 236, 238-39, 240-43 Joseph, Albert, 140-41 Kahane, Meir, 216 Kaiman, Arnold, 276-77 Kampelman, Max, 231 Kaptur, Marcy, xii, 79 Karnow, Stanley, 292 Katz, Haim, 309 Katz, Howard, 183 Kay, Disk, 318 Kelley, Aloysius, 227, 229 Kemp, Jack, 75 Kenen, I. L., 27, 97 Kennedy, Edward, 84
and Hathaway, 99-100; and McHenry vote,
140; and USS Liberty, 198 Kennedy, John E, 120
and Bartlett, 117-18; and Feldman,
119-20; and sale of weapons to Israel, 124 Kessler, Jonathan, 210-11 Khalidi, Walid, 327
Khashoggi, Adnan, 220, 222, 223, 224, 226 Khomeini, (Ayatollah), 16
Kidd, Isaac, 191, 207
Killgore, Andrew, 38, 330-31
King, Martin Luther Jr., 62
Kirtner, Mike, 343
Krim, Arthur, 119, 124, 125
Kissinger, Henry
and Findley, 4; and Fulbright, 94; and military sales to Israel, 149; and PLO, 13; and Mathias, 106; and suspension of aid to Israel, 126
Kleinberg, Howard, 325-26
Klutznick, Philip, 294-303
and Ben Gurion, 297; and Camp David Accords, 299-300; and Germany's restitution to Israel, 292; and Goldman, 292, 293, 295-96; and meeting with Begin, 297-98, 299; and Paris Declaration, 300-2; and Percy campaign, 111; and presidential administrations, 119, 124; and Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, 302; and Stevenson campaign, 84, 88, 89; and support of Israel, 342
Knowland, William, 122-23
Koch, Noel, 171
Kohr, Howard, 35, 39, 115
Koppel, Ted, 337-38
Kraftowitz, Larry, 37
Krogh, Peter, 226-27, 228, 229-30, 231
Kurth, James, 221, 222, 223
Labadi, Mahmoud, 14, 16, 17
LaGrange Conference I and II, 275-78
Landis, Kendall, 221, 224
Lantos, Tom, 360
Law, John, 329-30
Lawson, Ed, 161
Lautenberg, Frank, 48
Lemann, Nicholas, 229
Lent, Norman, 103
Lerner, Michael, 307-8
Levi, Edward, 113
Levin, Sander, 75
Levy, Gustave, 333
Lewin, Nathan, 341
Lewis, Anthony, 246, 327
Lilienthal, Alfred Jr., 306-7
Limor, Micha, 192
Linfield, Seth, 59
Lippman, Walter, 128
Littell, Franklin, 255
Long, Clarence, 41-42, 75, 104, 344
Lowenstein, Allard, 24
Lowenstein, Jennifer, 310
Lowery, Joseph, 62, 63-64
Luce, Henry, 123
Macintosh, Craig, 322
Index 5
Mack, Connie, 245
Madigan, Ed, 19
Manatt, Charles, 48
Mankiewicz, Frank, 109
Mann, Theodore, 87
Manning, Gordon, 337
Mansfield, Mike, 106
Maraschian, Onnik, 240-41
Marshall, George, 121
Marshall, Hubert, 60
Marshall, Randall, 246
Martin, William, 204
Mason, Arthur, 136
Mathias, Charles, 105-10
and Agnew campaign, 43; and AWACS sale, 106; and criticism of Nixon Administration, 105; and F-15 sale, 108; and Foreign Affairs article, 105-10; and Foreign Relations Committee, 106; and Israeli lobby, 107-10; and "Spirit of 76" letter, 107
Matthews, Chris, 79
McAteer, Edward, 256
McCain, John, 36, 207
McCloskey, Pete, 28
and academic career, 59-60; accusations of anti-Semitism against, 56-57, 58; and aid to Israel, 51-52, 53-58; and AIPAC, 28, 55; criticism of Israel, 70; and law practice, 58-59; meeting with Arafat, 72; presidential campaign, 54; senatorial campaign, 55-58; suit against ADL, 59, 60-61; and Vietnam War, 53-55
McCloskey, Robert, 75, 342
McClure, James, 31
McConnell, Mitch, 115
McCormick, Peg, 73
McDonald (Admiral), 191
McFarlane, Robert, 33, 34
McGiffert, David, 162
McGonagle, William, 188, 189, 196-97, 204
McGovern, George, 142
McHenry, Donald, 139
Mclntire, Carl, 269-70
McKinney, Cynthia, 79, 206-7
McNamara, Robert, 190, 197
McPherson, Harry, 198-99
Meese III, Edwin, 255
Mehdi, Anisa, 315
Meir, Golda, 97, 356
Mendes-France, Pierre, 300-2
Michel, Bob, 74, 75
Miller, Israel, 97
Minow, Newton, 302
Mitchell, Clarence, 105
Mitchell, George, 47-48
Mitfah, 366-67
Mohamed, Anwar, 365
Mondale, Walter
and AIPAC, 35, 36; and Feinberg, A., 119; and Israeli policy, 139; and PLO, 17; and presidential campaign, 139-41, 315
Monsky, Henry, 295
Mont, Max, 72
Moorer, Thomas, 173-74, 188, 197, 203
Moran, Jim, 78
Morris, Merwyn, 57
Morrison, Bruce, 75
Mosher, Lawrence, 321, 332-33
Mossad, 157, 159-62, 183, 185
Motie, M. J., 7-8, 10
Mrozek, John, 98
Mubarak, Hosni, 294
Murphy, Richard, 35
Muskie, Edmund, 47
Nader, Ralph, 305
Nasser, 93, 124-25
National Arab-American Journalism
Association, 347 National Association of Arab Americans, 37,
42, 343-44, 346-47 National Council of Churches, 262 National Disclosure Policy Commission,
171-72 National Geographic, 333-35 Near East Report, 28 Neiditch, Michael, 64-65 Neff, Donald
Warriors for Jerusalem, 204 Neumann, Donald, viii Neumann, Thomas
Body of Secrets, 205 Newell, Greg, 19 New Jewish Agenda, 284, 285 Newson, Jean, 236 Nixon, Richard
and Arms Export Control Act, 354; and
suspension of aid to Israel, 126; and support
of Israel, 125-26; and Mathias, 105; and
Watergate, 105, 149, 174 Nolan, Richard, 65-66 Norton, Don, 19, 20 Novak, Joseph, 65, 90 Novak, Robert, 43 Nuessen, David, 17 Oakar, Mary Rose, 72 Obey, David, 41,42 O'Connor, Philip, 89 Olin, James, 75
Olympic Games in Munich, 272, 336-37 O'Neill, Tip, 30, 42,51
5 Index
Operation Cyanide, 204
Oshman, Ken, 59
Oslo Accords, 282
Ostrovsky, Victor, 156-57
Otis, George, 253-54
Packwood, Bob, 49, 104
Palestine, and statehood, 368, 371, 373
Palestinian Human Rights Campaign, 274
Palestinians, discrimination against, 356-58
Palmby, Clarence, 23
Papken, Bishop, 268
Partners for Peace, 364
Patriot Act, viii
Pearson, Yvonne, 329
Peled, Mattityahu, 285
Peled-Eichanan, Nurit, 364
Pell, Claiborne, 81-82
Penaskovic, Richard, 280
Penny, Timothy, 75
People United to Save Humanity, 143
Percy, Charles, 289
and AIPAC, 49, 112; and AWACS sale, 104, 111-12, and Begin message, 289; 113; and F-15 sale, and Findley, 20; and Foreign Relations Committee, 106; 111; and PLO, 110; and senatorial campaign, 112-14; and "Spirit of 76" letter, 111
Peres, Shimon
and Goldmann, 293; and Israeli invasion of Palestine, 342; and Palestinian statehood, 366
Perle, Richard, 171, 172, 173
Pfaff, William, 363
Phillips, Warren, 333
Pianka, Thomas, 150
Pierpont, Robert, 336-38
Piety, Harold, 322-23
Pincus, Walter, 92-93, 94
Pinkas, Alon, 280
Piatt, James, 222
Polakowski, John, 276, 277
Pollard, Anne, 181, 184
Pollard, Jonathan Jay Jr., 178-84
Political Leadership Development Program, 210
Powell, Colin
and Bush Administration, 353, 354; and Palestinian statehood, 366; and September 11, 362, 363; and U.S. aid to Israel, 354
Pressberg, Gail, 286-87
Pressler, Larry, 198
Price, David, 79
Pro-Arab Propaganda in America: Vehicles and
Voices, 38, 327 Quandt, William, 77, 163, 236, 244 Quayle, Dan, 31
Raab, Earl, 55
Rabin, Yitzhak
and Goldmann, 293; and aid to Israel, 126; and Nixon campaign, 125; and Sinai War, 188; and USS Liberty, 199
Rabinowitz, Stanley, 62
Rahall, Nick, xi, 72, 75-76, 78-79
Ratner, Gary, 111
Reagan, Ronald
and AIPAC, 29-31; and AWACS sale, 103, 106; commendation of Bryan, 172; criticized by Ball, 131; and Dine, 258; and Hussein, 138-39; and Israeli espionage, 171-73; and Israeli statehood, 258; and Israeli wars, xii; meeting with Shamir, 138; and Middle East peace agreement, 293-94; presidential campaign, 18-20, 137-39, 144
Redgrave, Vanessa, 319-21; and Secret Evidence Repeal Act, 77-78
Reed, Ralph, 279
Reese, Charley, 363
Reeves, Phil, 346
Regenbaum, Livi, 311
Reid, Harry, 75
Religious Roundtable, 256
Ribicoff, Abraham, 98, 102
Rice, Condoleeza, 366
Rich, Spencer, 98
Richardson, Bill, 75
Roberts, Oral, 253
Robertson, Pat, 251, 254
Robinson, Aubrey, 181
Robinson, David, 17, 18
Rockefeller, Ben, 224
Rodenstein, Moe, 285
Roed-Larsen, Terje, x
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 122
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 120
Rosen, Abbot, 299, 318
Rosenbaum, Aaron, 102
Rosenberg, Thomas, 140
Rosenfeld, Stephen, 58
Rosenne, Meir, 168, 255
Rosenfeld, Stephen, 29, 67-68
Rosenthal, Benjamin, 64-65, 108-9
Rossing, Dan, 258-59
Rostenkowski, Daniel, 66—67
Rostow, Eugene, 124, 194, 195
Rostow, Walt, 124, 125
Rothenberg, Alan, 48
Rouleau, Eric, 300
Rowan, Carl, 67, 104
Rowley, Charles, 189
Royko, Mike, 83
Index 5
Rubin, Hyman, 167
Ruedy, John, 227, 228, 230-31, 232, 233-34
Rumsfeld, Donald, 174
Rusk, Dean, 127, 192, 195
Russo, Paul, 19-20
Rustin, Bayard, 71
Ryan, Joseph, 270
Saba, Michael, 172
Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, xiii, 5-6, 58,
77, 216, 302, 342 Sacramento Religious Community for Peace,
Sadat, Anwar, 238, 297
Sadd, David, 104
Saeed, Agha, 346, 359
Safire, William, 109, 137, 178, 184
Said, Edward, 211-12, 220, 357
Salans, Carl, 194-96
Salant, Richard, 337
Sale, Richard, 182-83
Saltzman, Bettylu, 88
Samuelson, Arthur, 136
Sanders, Ed, 169-70, 175
Saperstein, David, 284
Sartawi, Isam, 301
Saunders, Harold, 15-16, 124-25, 299 and aid to Jordan, 164; and U.S. government leaks, 170
Sayre, Francis, 266-73
Schamus, James, 214, 215
Scheuer, James, 223
Schindler, Alexander, 135, 260
Schmitt, Harrison, 48
Schneiderman, David, 331
Schrayer, Elizabeth, 114
Schrayer, Robert, 114, 300
Secret Evidence Repeal Act, 78
Seelye, Talcott, 38, 169, 170
Seith, Alex, 111
Sella, Aviem, 179, 180-81
Senate Resolution 247, 115
September 11 attack, xii-xiii, 349, 351-52, 357, 367-68, 370
Shahak, Israel, 268, 270, 275, 282, 360
Shamir, Yitzhak, 138, 251, 342
Shapiro, Adam, 310-11
Sharett, Moshe, 296-97
Sharon, Ariel
and Abdullah peace plan, 371; and AIPAC, 36; and Bush, G. W, 356, 372-73; and invasion of Egypt, 354; and Jenin massacre, 356; and Sabra and Shatila refugee camps, 216; and (Bush's) war on terrorism, xi; and Vance vote, 140; and West Bank invasion, 357, 372-73
Shaw, John, 242
Shere, Dennis, 323
Shulman, Mrs. Avis, 332-33
Shultz, George, 33, 168, 180
Siegel, Mark, 45, 46
Siegman, Henry, 135, 259-60
Siljander, Mark, 255
Silverman, David Wolf, 284
Silverman, Ira, 221-22, 226, 230, 231
Silverman, Norman, 45
Simon, Paul, 112-14
Simon, Robert, 318
Simon, Seymour, 90
Sisinsky, Norman, 75
60 Minutes documentary about Jews in Syria,
335-36 Slayton, Gus, 201 Smalley, George, 237 Smith, Gerald, 56 Socolow, Sanford, 337 Sofaer, Abraham, 180 Sofronsky, Bernie, 320 Solarz, Stephen, 68-71, 169 Solomonow, Allan, 263 Southern Christian Leadership Conference,
62, 63 Spiegel, Albert, 138 Spikol, Liz, 309-10 "Spirit of 76" letter, 111 Spratt, John Jr., 75 Squadron, Howard, 63 Staggers, Harley, 75 Stein, Irwin, 285 Steiner, David, 71, 309 Stern, Grace Mary, 84, 88 Stevens, Roger, 118-19 Stevenson III, Adlai, 82-91
accusations of anti-Semitism against, 89;
and aid to Israel, 85-86; and AIPAC,
84-85; and Arab boycott of Israel, 87; and
criticism of Carter Administration, 83;
gubernatorial campaign, 82-89; presidential
campaign, 118, 131, 132 Stone, I. E, vii-viii, 303-6
Underground to Palestine, 304 Stone, Richard, 163 Stratton, Sam, 30 Strauss, Robert, 15, 21 Suez Canal Crisis, 3, 125 Sunderland, Jack, 328 Sundquist, Don, 38 Sutphin, Paul, 237, 238, 243 Swaggart, Jimmy, 253 Swecker, Stephen, 279 Swerdlow, Joel, 338
5 Index
Symms, Steven, 48
Syria, 333-34, 335-36
Talhami, Ayoub, 276
Taliaferro, Ray, 201
Taylor, William, 236
Teitelbaum, Josh, 57
Tel Zaatar refugee camp, 6
Tenenbaum, David, 184-85
Tenet, George, 184
Tennen, Edward, 216
Terrorist and the Superstar, The, 361-62
Terzi, Zuhdi Labib, 16, 61, 62, 63
Thompson, James Jr., 82
Thompson, Jim, 88
Thorpe, Merle Jr., 299
Ticktin, Max, 284
Toll, Carolyn, 284, 285-86, 304
Toward Tradition, 279
Tower, John, 104
Triad Foundation, 220, 221, 222, 223 Truman Administration
and Zionists, 120-21 Truman, Harry, 92
and Jacobson, 119; and Jewish statehood, 120-21; and sanctions on Israel, 122
Tuck, Pinkerton, 120
Turner, Ted, 326
U.S. hostages in Tehran, 16
U.S. marines in Lebanon, 29, 41, 77, 157
U.S. military sales to Israel, 173-76
USS Liberty, 125
CBS documentary about, 203-4; cover-up of, 190-99, 204-5; and Ennes, 187, 188, 192-94; Israeli attack on, 187-90, 206-7; and "Israeli Preliminary Inquiry 1/67," 194; Kidd Court of Inquiry file, 191-92, 194; and Limor testimony, 192; Navy Court of Inquiry on, 206-7; and Salans report, 194-96
USS Pueblo, 196
Vance, Cyrus, 10, 15
and aid to Israel, 68; and Arafat, 16; and Arms Export Control Act, 355; and McHenry vote, 129; and Secretary of State nomination, 10, 127, 129; and U.S. government leaks, 169, 170
Vanden, Harry, 244-45
Vedrine, Hubert, 371-72, 373, 374
Volkmann, Ernest, 261, 263, 269
Wagner, Don, 273-78, 324
Wagner, Robert, 121
Wallace, Mike, 335-36
Wallach, John, 288-89
Waller, Fred, 157-58
Wannal, Raymond Jr., 178
Ward, Miriam, 277-79
Warner, John, 31
Warnke, Paul, 129
War Powers Act, 30-31, 34, 76-77
Warshaw, Carmen, 72-72
Washington PAC, 45
Watergate, 105
Weicker, Lowell, 49
Weinberger, Caspar, 181, 182
Wendt, David, 237, 241-42
West, John, 38, 165-67
Whalen, Charles, 65
White, Merrie, 36
White, Stan, 199
Whittaker, S. C, 219
Wichser, Bob, 22
Wilhelm, John, 32
Wilson, George, 200
Wilson, John, 58
Wilson, Pete, 57
Wilson, Trish, 236-37, 243
Winship, Thomas, 342-43
Wofford, Harris, 221, 224, 225
Wolf, Arnold Jacob, 284
Wolfowitz, Paul, viii
Wolfson, Louis, 57
Wolpe, Howard, 70
Woods, Harriet, 47
Woodward, Bob, 164
Wright, Harrison, 223
Yagur, Joseph, 179
Yellen, Linda, 320
Young, Andrew
and Israeli espionage, 158; meeting with Terzi, 16, 159; resignation as ambassador, 61,62
Young Leadership Mission, 37 Zablocki, Clement, 46-47 Zogby, James, 245, 347, 350-51
"Straightforward and valid."
— Washington Post
"A responsible effort to re-assert the importance of free speech for our national institutions and well-being."
— Library Journal
"In Congress and in the White House, in the Pentagon and in the university, [Findley] finds the pro-Israel forces wielding remarkable power to suppress free debate, compromise national secrets and shape American foreign policy."
— Booklist
The first book to speak out against the pervasive influence of AIPAC" (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) on American politics, policy, and institutions resonates today as never before. With careful documentation and specific case histories, Kindlev demonstrates how the Israel lobbv helps to shape important aspects of U.S. foreign poliev and influences congressional, senatorial, and even presidential elections. He describes the stranglehold AIPAC exerts in the House and the Senate and the undue pressure the lobbv brings to bear on university professors and journalists. This completely updated edition includes details on the current administration and brings together all the new voices speaking out, including former President Jimmy Carter, U.S. Representative Cvnthia McKinncv, Senator Robert Bvrd, prominent Arab American Dr. Ziad Asali, Rabbi Michael Kerner, and journalist Charley Reese. Kindlev laments the lack of open debate among politicians with regard to U.S. policy in the Middle Kast and blames AIPAC. He also draws connections between America's unconditional support of Israel and raging anti-American passions around the world —and ulti­mately the tragic events of 9/11.
Paul Findley served as an Illinois congressman for 22 years and was a senior member of the House Middle Kast Committee. He is the author of Silent \o More: Confronting America's False Images of Islam and Deliberate Deceptions: lacing the Facts About the V.S.-Israeli Relationship. Kindlev lectures on foreign policy and makes frequent trips to the Middle Kast, where he has personal acquaintance with most heads of government.

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